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Phoenix Renewable Industries

Georges Valme of Phoenix Renewables Institute has over two decades of experience in transforming natural products.

With operations in Costa Rica and Guyana, he is now seeking to branch in Haiti where partners are standing ready. Through Aid2Investments,  he has recruited several business leaders in Haiti to engage with him to  develop animal husbandry, food processing and environmental repleting of the land for greater sustainability.

Haitians of all walks of life, must make it our mission to take our black pearl back, by being its first managers, investors and supporters. By raising collective consciousness and consensus to advocate, allocate and associate better, we can create the renewed Haiti we are dreaming of.

Haiti Ventures

Haiti Ventures seeks to invest in the following industries: Infrastructure, Hospitality, Manufacturing, Business to Business Technologies and Entertainment. The final goal of investing in these ventures is to build value within the Haitian economy while generating superior returns for investors and entrepreneurs.

Our projects require between $30,000 to $1 million in start-up capital. These projects would need to have a proven product or service that is either  being used or tested by at least one customer. In addition to this requirement, the prospective project must be open to accepting our professional strategic guidance on how to grow their business.

Community Fund Project

​This network is launching a bond issue  to raise 9 Millions for a CPB company.
We are inviting  short term Kiva style loans  as  a bridge to kick off the fund prospect.
The initial loans will be repaid within the first year.​ 



T PAJeyrac Jacquet Thybull
Identifi8 au NIF: ....... " ........"." .................................
1- Reconnalsavolremprunteet re9udu servicedepretaux petits entrepreneurs la
sommede15,OOO.00 gourdes
2- M'engagea rembourser cette somme aveC untaux d'interet periodique de 10% sur uneperiode 15
mols (Quinze mois)
3- M'engage a effectuer Ie remboursement du montant total du pret (capital + interet) au service de
pret en 15 versements egaux et consecutifs de 1 J 1 00.00 gourdes a compter du 3 Decembre 2010 et
se termlnant Ie 3 Mars 2012 ou selon les
Conditions et calendrier annexes
4- M'engageapayer des frals de dossier totalisant lasomme de 150.00 gourdes desla reception du
pret ouselon les modalites decrltes enannexe.
5- Engage mes heritiers mentionnes dans ma declaration de testamenta respecter cette entente.
6. M'engage a payer les frais de poursuite etieshOnoraires d'Avocat en cas de non paiement.
7- M'engage a payerlesfrais de penalite equivalent a 25 gourdes par jour de retard

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